The ascii chart below displays the ascii code to use on your web sites for maximum compatibility. By using the proper ascii value rather than cut and paste, you can assure that your code will properly validate and even more importantly render correctly in all browsers. Updated to include Euro Symbol – #128.

CharacterHTMLAlternate HTMLExplanation
 � –  Unused
 	 Horizontal tab
 Line feed
  –  Unused
 Carriage Return
  –  Unused
Space  Space
!! Exclamation mark
"""Quotation mark
## Number sign
$$ Dollar sign
%% Percent sign
'' Apostrophe
(( Left parenthesis
)) Right parenthesis
** Asterisk
++ Plus sign
,, Comma
-- Hyphen
.. Period (fullstop)
// Solidus (slash)
:: Colon
;&#59; Semi-colon
<&#60;&lt;Less than
=&#61; Equals sign
>&#62;&gt;Greater than
?&#63; Question mark
@&#64; Commercial at
[&#91; Left square bracket
\&#92; Reverse solidus (backslash)
]&#93; Right square bracket
^&#94; Caret
_&#95; Horizontal bar (underscore)
`&#96; Acute accent
{&#123; Left curly brace
|&#124; Vertical bar
}&#125; Right curly brace
~&#126; Tilde
 &#127; Unused
&#128; Euro Symbol
 &#129; Unused
&#130; Low single comma
quotation mark
ƒ&#131; Function sign
&#132; Low double comma
quotation mark
&#133; Ellipses
&#134; Dagger
&#135; Double dagger
ˆ&#136; Caret
&#137; Per mile sign
Š&#138; Capital S Hacek
&#139; Less-than sign
Œ&#140; Capital OE ligature
 &#141; – &#144; Unused
&#145; Single beginning
quotation mark
&#146; Single ending
quotation mark
&#147; Double beginning
quotation mark
&#148; Double ending quotation mark
&#149; Dot, middle
&#150; En dash
&#151; Em dash
˜&#152; Tilde
&#153; Trademark symbol
š&#154; Small s Hacek
&#155; Greater-than sign
œ&#156; Small oe ligature
 &#157; – &#158; Unused
Ÿ&#159; Capital Y,
diæresis / umlaut
 &#160;&nbsp;Non-breaking Space
¡&#161; Inverted exclamation
¢&#162; Cent sign
£&#163; Pound sterling
¤&#164; General currency sign
¥&#165; Yen sign
¦&#166; Broken vertical bar
§&#167; Section sign
¨&#168; Diæresis / Umlaut
©&#169; Copyright
ª&#170; Feminine ordinal
«&#171; Left angle quote,
guillemot left
¬&#172; Not sign
­&#173;&shy;Soft hyphen
®&#174; Registered trademark
¯&#175; Macron accent
°&#176; Degree sign
±&#177; Plus or minus
²&#178; Superscript two
³&#179; Superscript three
´&#180; Acute accent
µ&#181; Micro sign
&#182; Paragraph sign
·&#183; Middle dot
¸&#184; Cedilla
¹&#185; Superscript one
º&#186; Masculine ordinal
»&#187; Right angle quote,
guillemot right
¼&#188; Fraction one-fourth
½&#189; Fraction one-half
¾&#190; Fraction three-fourths
¿&#191; Inverted question mark
À&#192;&Agrave;Capital A, grave accent

One Response

  • Sunnyslook

    Thanks a lot, very useful.. i was looking for such table for a while! +1