Javascript Comparisons

Often you want to compare a value of one variable with one of another variable, or the value of a variable against a literal value, for example the value in an if-statement.

Example for a comparison is if you want to compare the value of the day of week to “Sunday”, you can do this by checking todaysDate == “Thursday”.

Don’t mix up ‘=’ with ‘==’, the first is an assignment, the second one is a comparison.


x == y

x != y

x > y

x >= y

x < y

x <= y

x && y

x || y


True if x and y are equal

True if x and y are not equal

True if x is greater than y

True if x is greater or equal to y

True if x is less than y

True if x is less or equal to y

True if x and y are true

True if x or y are true

True if x is false