In our own interest

We recently made some big changes at HTMLCenter. Here is what is going on, what we have planned and where we are heading.

1. Relaunch of the backend

First, we relaunched our content management system that was powered by a Coldfusion Server and a mix of MS Access (!) and MySQL to a state of the art PHP(5)+PEAR+Smarty+MySQL driven beast. I know many people go ROR these days, but why go there if you can kick butt with PHP too?

Changing the technology on the backend, also involved a complete redo of the frontend. While reworking the pages, we cut page loading times through code and query optimization by up to 50%, and we are not finished yet.

Next up for the site is a modification to 1024 to maximize the width as well as offer us new audio/video options which we hope you will find helpful. This should launch by the end of June.

2) A new home for HTMLCenter

Switching the technology also made it necessary to switch hosts for us. A big thank you goes to our supporters at Hitsites, who had provided us with Coldfusion hosting for almost five years now. And I don’t know many webhosting companies that even stay in business so long. ;-)

HTMLCenter is now hosted by Wingsix, the webhosting division of ServerCentral. They provided us with one of their VPS servers (which runs FC4) and helped us get set up and settle in. Their support group is great and very responsive, so if anyone out there is considering webhosting or a VPS, please give them a call.

That’s all folks! At least for now. We’ll keep you posted!

Tags: htmlcenter, , wingsix

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