Zune Originals

Microsoft is offering a neat spin on its second-generation Zune digital media players. If you pop on over to zuneoriginals.net, you can order your very own customized Zune.

You can choose from over 100 different designs to have them etch onto the back of your player and you can add up to five lines of text.

On top of that, the customization is completely free. I’m not sure how long Zune Originals will be offering that deal; I’m not even sure if it’s a limited-time offer or not. All I know is, when you design your custom Zune, all of the customization options say “waived” where the price should be, and the total price of the player is the same as it would be without any customization.

The image to the right is the one I worked up quickly for this post. Hopefully I’ll be able to get my hands on one of my own, soon.

Tech Tags: htmlcenter zune+originals