Have you ever wondered what your friends’ favorite WordPress plugins might be? Are you tired of slogging through pages and pages of 5-year-old blog posts just trying to find good plugins for your WordPress site?
The folks at WordPress have made a small but significant change to the way the plugins repository works. Now, when viewing the details of a plugin, you can click the “Favorite” link to add that plugin to your list of favorites. Then, anyone that visits your profile will be able to see which plugins are your favorites.
Likewise, if you know the URLs to the WordPress.org profiles for your friends, you can see which plugins they’ve selected as their favorites. You can see my favorites by checking out my profile, see Mark Jaquith’s favorites by visiting his profile, Scribu’s favorites, Viper007Bond’s favorites, Andrea Rennick’s favorites, Ipstenu’s favorites and more. When you’re viewing a developer’s profile (as all of the links above are), you’ll find the “Favorites” list below the list of that developer’s plugins.
Keep in mind, though, that this “favorites” list only applies to plugins found in the WordPress repository. Obviously, premium plugins that are not found in the repo can’t be favorited on WP.org.