The Importance of Analytics

Today I decided to check each of my Analytics accounts, and came across some very interesting statistics.

On two of my sites, Firefox has actually surpassed Internet Explorer as the most popular browser (just barely, but it has). On a third site, however, the race is not even close.

As you will see from the images I’ve posted below, Analytics can be extremely important. On two of my sites, if I do not have them set up properly as cross-browser/cross-platform sites, then I will lose more than half of my visitors. On the third, however, the overwhelming majority of visitors would most likely never even notice if something on the site was broken outside of IE.

Here are the images representing my Analytics results for this month: results: results:

The results from the College Web site for which I am the Webmaster:

Tech Tags: HTMLCenter DCEvolution DCHelp

One Response

  • Allen

    Excellent points Curtiss. Looking at who uses your site is critical, but of course I believe that you should always do your best to make everything work everywhere.

    And today, it’s easier. Though I am finding some very bad bugs in IE7. grr.