These days many developers are exploring ways to speed up and to simplify mobile application development process. And I see more an more tools created for this reason.
Today I noticed one such tool which takes slightly different approach. It allows you to build mobile applications by using WordPress CMS. Its called Apppreser.
They help you to convert WordPress based HTML sites to a native mobile applications by wrapping them to PhoneGap framework.
The idea is to use WordPress plugins to talk to PhoneGap APIs and this way connect to mobile hardware.
Even if folks from Apppress are charging quite a few bucks for their plugins and implementation the use case is promising. There are plenty of websites powered by WordPress and theoretically it should be possible to make HTML5 mobile applications from them with a little bit of effort.
As for the high price for the service, I’m sure there will soon be open source versions of such plugins available. WordPress developer community is known for creating great open source plugins.
What do you think about such way of creating HTML based mobile apps?