A few days ago, the OpenSUSE team released the first milestone of OpenSUSE 11.3. One of the biggest changes in this new version of SUSE is the inclusion of the LXDE desktop environment. LXDE is supposed to be fast, lightweight desktop environment. I’ve not heard of LXDE previously, but I have to admit that the screenshots I’ve seen make me very curious about it. Milestone 1 also includes the first RC of KDE 4.4 and the brand new 2.29.5 version of Gnome.
This new release also includes the latest beta versions of OpenOffice and VirtualBox, along with the newest stable release (3.6) of Firefox. If you are a fan of OpenSUSE, or you’re interested in trying out beta software and operating systems, I would definitely recommend you give it a shot. It looks like SUSE is making great strides forward in their development.