Today, I received two updates in my inbox. The first came from Animoto. The second was from TechSmith.
Animoto has updated it’s great service by adding two important features (well, one is important to me; the other is only important to those with iPhones). First, they’ve added what they call “Image Pacing“. Basically, now you can choose how quickly or slowly your images transition to each other in a full-length video. The other update from Animoto is that they’ve released an iPhone app, allowing iPhone users to create Animoto shows on the go. This is what Animoto had to say about it:
“Just snap photos and use the app to turn them into vids right there on your phone.”
TechSmith also unveiled Jing Pro. Jing is the free desktop capture application from TechSmith. Jing Pro is available for about $15/year (who knows why they went with the annual pricing structure rather than a simple one-time licensing fee), and allows you to record higher-quality, more compressed video. It also allows you to publish videos directly to YouTube.
Of course, as with any self-respecting licensing fee, when you upgrade to Pro, you can de-brand all of the videos you produce with Jing (remove all of the Jing logos and watermarks from your videos).