Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody!

This is just a really quick post to wish everybody that celebrates this holiday a happy one. I hope you all got lots of candy and carved some great pumpkins.

We took the kids trick-or-treating in my sister-in-law’s development again this year, and they got a pretty good haul. Then, on the way home, we noticed that they had a “trunk-or-treat” in the high school parking lot, so we cruised in there for a few minutes.

On the way home, we stopped at the corner store by our house and got the kids’ pictures taken by the professional photographer that sets up there for every holiday. Then, we headed home.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to carve a pumpkin this year, which is a real bummer. I normally really enjoy carving pumpkins, and I’m pretty good at it (if I do say so myself). I just didn’t have the time or the energy this year, though.

Oh well. Anyway, I hope you all have/had a happy Halloween.

Just for kicks, here’s a fun news story about how rare and frightening Halloween can be in some areas of the world. http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/131989.html

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One Response

  • allen

    fun story – trunk or treat – never heard of that before

    we rarely got candy as kids – everyone was afraid the candy was poisened so they gave us change – nickels and pennies mostly – normally i would score 3-4 dollars

    best part was that it was mostly apartment buildings so in 10 minutes you could hit 100 apts :)