Beginning CSS Web Development

So I decided to take a look at Beginning CSS Development: From Novice to Professional. I must say that coming into this book, I wasn’t expecting much. I thought it would be all about complete beginner CSS stuff, but boy was I wrong! This book’s title is very misleading. It is perfect for beginners, experts, and everyone in between.

Beginning CSS Web Development

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Through all of his experience, from his work, and all of the articles that he has written, Simon Collison does an amazing job on explaining things, and I have yet to see anyone who does a better job. As the book starts, he goes over everything basic. What things are, when you should use them, and how you should use them. Everything is paced so nicely, and it’s extremely easy to follow.

Through part one, of the book, he explains all of the basics. Then, in part two, he addresses layouts. He goes on to explain a lot of things, which many intermediate CSS developers may be a foggy on. He does a great job addressing a lot of issues, and provides examples and uses for everything. If you’ve ever had problems with CSS, I can almost guarantee there is some kind of help, in part two of this book.

Simon really covered a lot in this book. He covered stuff about core concepts, text, color, backgrounds, images, lists, links, tables, forms, and layout. Each one of these things has their own chapter. In each chapter, everything is looked upon, in depth. This is why I really like the book. While everything is covered in depth, it is all really easy to follow, and understand.

So if you’re a beginner, you NEED to get this book! This book explains everything you need to know, about the basics, and expands on everything.

If you’re an intermediate CSS developer, you should definitely get this book, it will elaborate on many things, of which may be confusing you, and will help take you to the next level.

If you’re an absolute pro, and know everything about CSS, you should still get this book, it will probably have a lot of different view points on different elements of CSS, than the you have yourself. Just learning things from a different view, can be very helpful.

My final thoughts on this book, are that it is a “MUST HAVE” regardless of your CSS experience. I really loved this book, and I suggest it to anybody, and everybody who is looking to learn CSS.