Why Usability?

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The Usability Expert Jakob Nielsen says: “On the Web, usability is a necessary condition for survival. If a web site is difficult to use, people leave. If the homepage fails to clearly state what a company offers and what users can do on the site, people leave. If users get lost on a web site, they leave. If a web site’s information is hard to read or doesn’t answer users’ key questions, they leave. Note a pattern here? There’s no such thing as a user reading a web site manual or otherwise spending much time trying to figure out an interface. There are plenty of other web sites available; leaving is the first line of defense when users encounter a difficulty.” –

Full Story: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20030825.html

Is your web site usable?

There are several definitions for usability, but basically products which have the following 6 characteristics, can be considered as usable.

  • Quick and easy to learn
  • Efficient to use
  • Allows rapid recovery from errors
  • Easy to remember
  • Using is enjoyable
  • Aesthetically pleasing

Does your product have the above characteristics?

User and Provider benefits:

Usability increases benefits for both parties: the User and the web site Provider.

Users benefits:

  • Users are satisfied, instead of being frustrated when interacting over the web site.
  • They achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.
  • They cultivate confidence and trust in the product.

In other words, satisfied users, become loyal, going on using the web site, and also recommend to others.

Providers benefits:

  • Reduced development time and costs.
  • Reduced support costs.
  • Reduced user errors.
  • Reduced training time and costs.
  • Return on Investment.

Usability Can Save Your Company!

John S. Rhodes, Editor and Webmaster at WebWorldPro says: “Data indicate that usability offers a better return on investment than almost any other business action. When times get rough, usability shines. The benefits are huge. Usability is a weapon that can save you money, improve your competitive position, and improve customer loyalty. Now is the time to invest in the research.” –

Full Story: http://webword.com/moving/savecompany.html

After all, making your web site usable, you will make your visitors and your wallet more comfortable and happier!