What CSS Level Are You?

Dallas Freeman has a post today describing a variety of CSS coder levels. Which one do you most closely resemble?

I would say that I am between a 4 and a 5. Here is the spec for a CSS Coder Level 4:

I have designed and coded a large number of CSS web sites. I can convert a design from any format into a CSS layout: Photoshop, Illustrator, napkin drawings, etc.

  • I am completely comfortable writing and editing CSS by hand.
  • I have a strong understanding of the cascading part of CSS. Particularly how some some CSS properties do, some don’t, and some depend on how the value is declared.
  • I have a solid understanding of cross-browser CSS. I know how to use browser specific CSS statements and delclare browser specific stylesheets.
  • I know and have tried some CSS hacks and understand the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
  • I have a strong understanding of the different sizing values available in CSS (e.g. em, px, %, pt, “small”, etc.) and in what situations each make the most sense.
  • I can quickly troubleshoot and solve CSS problems.
  • I have a great collection of tools and resources at my disposal for inspiration, debugging, or reference.