Unlimited storage

… a dream about to come true? Well, according to a post on ZDnet’s blog, which essentially quotes a post by Greg Linden, “unlimited storage” or as they call it, “Store 100% of User Data”, made it on Google’s roadmap and is looking to be released.

The slideshow in question was found by Greg during Google’s analyst day. And especially some of the citations inside the slideshow (talking about an infinite storage solution for users) seem to be pretty interesting and (maybe) point into a direction where Google is heading with online services.

For me, my GMail account is still heaven-sent. After a year of using it, I have most of the larger files (such as flyers ready for print, music i need to be reviewed, lots of texts (PDF) and so on) which I recieved by email saved on there. And while I am currently using over 1GB of storage for email (You are currently using 1582 MB (59%) of your 2700 MB.), they still seem to expand the quota on it.

And how much storage do those other services give you? Right, just one gig.

With the “recent” moves into personal webpages (aka pages) and video, I fail to see exactly which direction Google is heading to. It seems that they have no core responsibility yet – one gets the impression that they (still) want all.

For me, Google already booked a rather large part of sites and tools I use online. With data issues at hand (privacy vs. outsourcing?), I wonder if it’s wise to let them absorb even more.