CodeIgniter 2.0 Released

Back in late 2008, I wrote about my first experience using the CodeIgniter framework. Since then, I’ve enjoyed using the framework with PHP — it reminds me of my days programming in ColdFusion.

Today EllisLab and the CodeIgniter team have released the 2.0.0 version of CodeIgniter.

Here’s a list of the main changes from 1.7.3 to 2.0.0:

  • Support for PHP 4 is gone, PHP 5.1 is now a requirement.
  • CSRF Protection built into the form helper
  • Drivers
  • Application Packages
  • Scaffolding, having been deprecated for a number of versions, has been removed.
  • Removed the deprecated Validation Class.
  • Plugins have been removed, in favor of Helpers.
  • Added routing overrides to the main index.php file, enabling the normal routing to be overridden on a per “index” file basis.
  • Added $route[‘404_override’] to allow 404 pages to be handled by controllers.
  • 50+ bugs fixed

They also note that this new 2.0.0 version has moved CodeIgniter into a, “much more community-oriented framework than it has been in the past.”

I can’t wait to play with the new version and try out some of the new features and functions.